Can dogs eat oranges?
Can dogs eat oranges?
Before you share a piece of your orange with your dog, check first. Are oranges safe for dogs to eat?
Dogs can eat oranges. But only give them a little bit of orange flesh. Avoid feeding them pith, seeds, or peel. It’s safe for puppies to have a little bit of orange flesh too.
Health benefits for dogs eating oranges
Oranges are a great source of Vitamin C for us humans. However, dogs don’t need to get Vitamin C from their food as their bodies produce Vitamin C naturally. In addition, oranges are chock full of other nutrients, potassium, and some fibre - with very little sodium. This makes them a great choice of healthy treat for your dog.
Oranges do contain quite a lot of calories as they are packed full of naturally occurring sugars. Therefore, it is best to avoid oranges if your dog is watching their weight. Also, if your dog is diabetic, you should never give them oranges. It will affect the insulin levels in their blood.
How many oranges can my dog eat?
You may find that your dog isn’t keen on oranges. Dogs don’t tend to like citrus fruits as the smell doesn’t appeal to them, and the taste can be bitter.
Some dogs will eat anything you give them! If you own a dog that enjoys their food and you would like to share some orange with them, remove all skin, pith, and seeds first. These parts contain harmful chemical compounds.
Remember the rule, 90% of a dog’s diet should come from a high-quality, complete feed. The remaining 10% can be made up of treats or extras. With this in mind, only give your dog 1-3 slices of orange at one time.
Since citrus fruits are acidic, they can upset your dog’s digestive system. If you want to share a little orange, introduce it to your dog slowly. Never give orange juice to your dog. It’s full of sugar and far too acidic for dogs. Stick to giving them only water to drink.